Pattern Of NDA SSB Interview
In 2016, there were about more than 4,000 candidates who sat in the SSB interview of National Defence Academy assessment. But guess what? There were merely 210 aspirants who got recommended. While in 2015, there were almost 8000 aspirants who secured on to the phase of interview and hardly 300 got into the final selection. Moreover, we have figures of so many more years which will seriously surprise you.
You must understand that there is a specific pattern followed in the SSB interview round. All you require is to learn that pattern to pass this interview that has particularly four main sections. You can join SSB interview coaching classes in Dadar and Thane to get a hold on the type of questions. The first and foremost is introductory part in which you be asked some universal questions, only the basic types. After that, the intensity of questions is further escalated to usual questions concerning to some real-life state of affairs. Then, the questions connected to current affairs and societal concerns, and lastly, the interview round ends with few practical questions in connection to your skill.
1. Introduction Questions
This is one of those fundamental questions which are put forth by the interviewer to make you feel at ease and relaxed. They are the easiest questions just to observe the level of your self-confidence. This segment encompasses of the questions concerning to your name, your place, your friends, family, to name a few.
Your approach for these sorts of questions ought to be truthful, eloquent, straightforward and above anything, positive. It is certainly very simple to respond to these introduction questions but the great deal is to respond them in an cheerful way.
2. Usual Questions
This segment encompasses of two sorts of questions. The first would be, Rapid Fire questions and the second would be, Stress Questions.
Once you are done with the Introduction part, questions are put forth in Stress Interview to assess your originality, verdict making power and solution hunting capabilities. They may reiterate a question again and again to annoy you, or might offer a stressful and challenging situation to see your ability to manage diverse situations.
In the Rapid-Fire type of Questions, general back-to-back questions are put forth to observe your perceiving power and to examine how honest you are. The questions would be asked from educational background, opinions about parents, teachers, social circle views about you, and your understandings about them. And questions concerning to your hobbies, extra-curricular events to scrutinize your team spirit and management qualities and to inspect aspirant the way he deals with the tasks, sport or some circumstances. The questions in this segment are asked depending on your answer in the introduction segment.
3. Societal Concern Type Questions
The questions from global issues are encompassed in this section and a fitting solution is anticipated from your side. The profundity of your knowledge and your way to challenge problems are scrutinized in this segment. Try to assess the questions correctly and then give a reasonable answer. Some history and currents affairs of the country and all across the globe can be asked. Tell them 5 current news from the tabloid.
4. Practical Knowledge Questions
If you are going through Technical Graduation Admission, they might set forth before you some basic technical questions concerning to your stream. For instance, if you say that you practice cricket then Interview Officer might question you to apply some Physics law to the swing bowling or maybe a Pythagorean theorem to table tennis sport.